“…that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.” Eph 6:11b NKJV History, when considered, gives us opportunity to not repeat mistakes. Lately I’ve been aware of history in the Garden of Eden, specifically with Eve. When looking at the part of her story found in Genesis 3, I saw that her desire for the “fruit from the tree in the midst of the garden” didn’t originate in her. Her desire for that specific fruit was brought to her by the serpent. After drawing her attention to the fruit, he based his next move off of her interaction with him. What a manipulator! The Enemy knows that - if he can interrupt us, distract us, if he can get us to dialogue with him, if he can make one thing so appealing that we begin to consider following his lead – his goal to turn us away from God is half reached. Since that time we’ve termed this function of his as “temptation”. We must beware because unlike Eve (and no thanks to her) we are born with a predilection for sin. While she con...
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