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The Crossroad of Fantasy and Truth

  We are conditioned to believe that if we accept everything & everyone that comes before us we will be loved. There is a time in every life that we come to the crossroad of Fantasy and Truth. The majority choose to walk on the road of Fantasy rather than the road of Truth.

The road of Fantasy is full of all the things that please oneself. Each Fantasy Rd. looks different and appeals to the carnality of the individual standing at its entrance. As far as the eye can see there are beautiful things, fun people, big money, fame, notoriety, and the easy life that the flesh desires. The part that never seems to occur to the one standing at the entrance of Fantasy Rd. is that the road continues beyond the distance that the eye can see. Beyond this point is where things begin to change, drastically change. Beyond that distant point is the part of Fantasy Rd. that holds a tarnished life, emptiness, being more alone than one can imagine, moral bankruptcy, infamy, and being destitute of life’s basic needs.

The entrance to Truth Rd. looks very different, it’s not as exciting. Some would say that there is little to be seen from the entrance of Truth Rd. You may see only the basics of life: family, gentle laughter, home cooked meals, yard work, a disagreement now and then with your BFF, your 9a - 5p, a church or small group. Take a moment and look hard. Look as far as the eye can see. Just like the other road, there is a point beyond what you can see. Beyond this point is where things begin to change. At the end of Truth Rd. is beauty beyond imagination, fullness of life, a loving family, moral security, strong faith, and more than you or I could even imagine.

Some have tried to walk on both roads at one time. Having been one of those persons - take my word on this fact; you can only do this for a short distance. The farther you travel; the more distance there is between the two roads. You see, Truth Rd and Fantasy Rd curve in opposite directions. These roads have completely opposite destinations.

Some are so blinded to Truth that all they see is Fantasy. Some are so dead spiritually that there is no more longing for the embrace of Truth. There are some that have been deceived into believing that Fantasy is truth – those are the ones that I most want to reach. For these, the awakening will one day be so brutally that my heart hurts for them.

Every day I meet people who have come to the end of Fantasy and realize that they are empty, hurting and alone. Some have walked in Fantasy so long that they will never recover their health, their family and the life that they were created for. And yet, even for those, as they see the light and love of Christ, as it becomes a reality in their life, they ask Him to be their bridge and they begin walking on Truth Rd.

While walking in Truth sets you apart, there is peace & joy in living for Christ.  Just ask my friend Anaese. After years of walking on Fantasy Road she asked Christ into her life and she has started her journey on Truth Rd. She's finally realized the deep love, acceptance and peace that she's always searched for. She thought it would be found on Fantasy Rd, but she’s found it since she’s started walking on Truth Rd. Sometimes old friends give her a hard time about her new found convictions and she admits that there is not as much glamor in her life these days but as she put it, “Fantasy is a mirage, Truth is actual. There really is no comparison.”

Anaese, I agree. There is no comparison. I’m also glad to be walking on Truth Rd.


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