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Sitting in the victors circle -

When we get to the end of life on earth and contemplate the journey, to some it seems that we have fallen victim to and have been overcome by disease, illness, pain and death. It may seem that we were too weak to win the last battle and that is why life on earth is ended. Let us remember that all things in this life are leading us toward eternal life. Those who are Blood bought, Spirit filled, Bible believing and Jesus serving are those who understand that this place, this body, this carnal shell is not the end all and be all. Eternity is the bottom line for the Christian; the soul is what we invest in.
Those who are obsessed with temporal life do not understand and cannot grasp why we rejoice when a faithful follower of Christ passes into eternal life. Those with dimmed vision and limited understanding of faith in God are angered & fearful at the idea of death however; those who decidedly live for Christ cannot help but celebrate when another Christian’s earthly journey comes to an end. We can rejoice & celebrate because we know that they have completed the race that was set before them. They have successfully crossed every obstacle, piloted every difficult situation, navigated every complicated relationship, overcome every spiritual hindrance that they encountered on the journey and now they have finished the course. They have run the race; they have crossed the finish line and are sitting in the victor’s circle on the other side.


Teacher Mike said…
So true! Going to a Christians funeral is way different than the hopelessness of a funeral of someone without Christ.
Anonymous said…
AMEN! that is all I can say to that! AMEN!
Liz said…
Thanks for your comments. I appreciate you stopping by :-)
Anonymous said…
Thanks for putting our feelings into words. Great article!
LizChatter said…
I appreciate having you come by. Thanks for commenting!

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