"I'm so tired of this!" or "I can't believe I said that!" or "What did I do to deserve this?" or "God do you see what's happening here?" Have you ever said things like this? I certainly have. Usually in response to dissatisfaction on how something ended up. There are times we end up unsatisfied, angry, or embarrassed at the outcome of a decision. Sometimes a decision even results in injury inflicted upon someone we love and are responsible to care for like children or a spouse. Have you experienced this as the doer? I'm not surprised if you answered "yes". It's happened in my life; yes, this happens for those in Christ. If you're anything like me, you've experienced this with outcomes ranging from insignificant to catastrophic. Depending on where you are in your journey with Christ, you may believe that it's luck, chance, or you may have a 'que sera sera' attitude and stick your head i...
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