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I've lost my rose-colored glasses!!!

My glasses broke! My 
rose-colored glasses are broken!! 

Could I borrow yours? 

You don’t have rose-colored glasses, you say? 

Oh, well then - good for you.

I jest! I had no literal pair of rose-colored glasses. 


Have you ever gotten news that was just really, really super good? Well, recently I got a piece of news that was super good. The sense of relief I felt at hearing the news was nothing short of an answer to more than 12 months of quiet prayer and earnestly seeking the Lord.

Not everyone shared my sense of relief. In fact, some stated publically that they were saddened by the news. It was another opportunity for me to see how our personal history/personal experiences influence perspective; good, bad and neutral experiences directly influence our perspective; whatever the circumstance may be.

The information was positive news to me because my experience with the the subject of the news was not good. Others had not shared my experience and so felt differently about the example of how one’s experience seems to regulate their perception.  want to share with you a bit of my process so here's a brief back-story so that you get an idea of what went on.  

About a year ago, I was allowed to go through a fiery trial where darts (in the form of words) were thrown at my character as a leader and my example as a Christian. I came under attack as a person and as a minister. The things that were said about me were untrue and very far from my character. Thankfully my track record and reputation in ministry are solid. My mentors, my team and co-ministers were able to support me through this trial with no reservations. Oh, I am so grateful for that!!

Even though I had prayer support and personal support - I suffered. The attack fatigued me; it was tiresome for my spirit. Although tired and dazed, because of the armor of God 
(Eph 6) and a deep trust in the Lord, I was not crushed (II Cor 4). Despair did not set in. I strongly urge you to practice putting on the whole armor of God, cultivate your prayer life and your trust in the Lord. 

In going through this trial I did recognize the loss of something that I could not put my finger on at the time. Now, looking back, I realize that I lost my very cherished - very loved, rose-colored glasses…. Don’t laugh; you probably have a set of rose-colored glasses too. In fact, would you let me borrow them sometime?

On a more serious note… My tendency to embrace, blindly trust and befriend was put on notice. I suppose it was time. I can say with assurance. Lesson learned!

Today I operate more reserved, more mature. I’ve recognized not everyone has good intentions toward me. At 35+ years of age – I should already know this and way down - I mean waaaay down, I do know it. I'm talking way down... like in the back of the bottom drawer of the index file on lessons learned; see, I’ve experienced this before (different details, same devil). 

Even though I've known this, my tendency is to jump right in the deep end. Just all in…100%; listen ya’ll, there is wisdom in testing the water. Test the waters! Sometimes there are sharks swimming around in what seems to be peaceful water. In the word of God we see instruction about testing the spirit to see if they are of God (1John 4).

Walk in love, friendship and faith. Do not neglect to bring your new acquaintences to the Lord in prayer. Allow God to warn you, when necessary. Above all - love God, live to honor the Lord and He will fullfil Romans 8:28 in your life. 


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