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Showing posts from December, 2014

Rosettes of my hair

Today's topic is hair. I have always had longer hair. As a youngster it was a expected. As I got older, my long hair was a comfort. Now from time to time I play around with the idea of cutting it shorter and anytime I mention that to my closest pals I get a resounding "NO" in response. So, now in my 30's, I've taken to doing braids, buns, and other moderately easy styles (including the occasional ponytail) that will get this hair out of my way. This Christmas I did a style that I call Rosettes . It's a hardy style. By the time this picture happened, I'd done about 60 minutes of Christmas carols, sat through a sermon, a 30 minute drive, multiple times of putting my coat on and taking it off... changing into my pjs.... tickling some kiddos... Here's how it looked around midnight on Christmas Eve:  Anyhoo, several super cool gals asked for a tutorial on how to replicate the look. Which makes me smile! There's nothing more flattering than g...