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Showing posts from May, 2015

Choices, Influence, Power

The Paradox of Power   The most common thoughts about power are closely linked to control. People feel powerful when they’re in charge or in control of others. However, real power is seen every day in ordinary people’s choices. The only power one truly has is the power to choose, power over one’s self. Choosing well will cause one to gain influence.  Influence is powerful, so choose well. Well made choices -  Those who have discovered the truth of influence & power will tell you that correct choices are often acts of humility. Acts of humility are closely related to acts of love. Think forgiveness, kindness, patience, sacrifice, integrity, loyalty, gentleness, peace, goodness…   Remind yourself:  • I have the power to forgive, to encourage • I have the power to be kind, be gentle and be peaceable • I have the power to show patience and forbearance • I have the power to give of myself, to sacrifice for others • I have t...

God has an exit door, will you take it?

Worship - How I live

Many Christians understand worship as a specific time in the scheduled gathering of believers when the band plays, and someone at the front of the gathering leads the congregation to sing, lift their hands, etc. The word "worship" is so often used to describe this time of the gathering together that the general understanding of the word has seemingly shrunk to meet the most common uses of the word.  Sometimes church leaders will use the word "worship" to describe a posture of the body, but even that still limits the fullness of what worship really is. Blame English language speakers, if you like, as English words are reassigned meanings by various generations and often used in ways that limit all of what that word could relate. So here’s a bit about me… I am called a "worship leader" so I know reference that is being made when terms like "worship service", "time of worship", "worship leader", are used. In fact, I use thes...

Church means: learing God's Word, fellowship with Christians, encouragement for new believers.

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