I will identify, for anyone who is interested, that one of my spiritual gifts is LOVE - Agape love. Over the weekend though I was challenged by the Holy Spirit to evaluate where I have fallen short in loving people. This post is not to point out shortcomings in anyone; it's a reminder for me. Perhaps you are able to identify with me on the need to evaluate/re-evaluate the function of love in your life; feel free to connect with me about it. I'd love to hear from you - we can encourage one another to love better; to love like Jesus. It would have probably been very easy for Jesus to hang out with people that lived righteously, followed the Torah and attended Temple every Sabbath, lived innocent lives never having made a poor choice, or transgressed the law in a deliberate attempt to self-medicate hurts, loneliness, anger or loss. I'm sure from the instant He reached the age of accountability, He could have walked out of his home and found life easier not ...
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