It's sandal weather here in Tucson. We're hitting mid to high 80's on the regular this February. Yeah, I'm not all that excited about it. One upside though, flip flops. With all the comings & goings at my casa, flip flops & sandals tend to end up scattered from here to yon. Having already tripped over the aforementioned scattering, I decided to do a little something that will, hopefully, encourage us all to be a little more tidy. Now, I cannot take credit for this idea. Over the last couple of years I've flirted with ideas on Pinterest but never committed to putting the work in, until now that is. You can find detailed instructions on Pinterest - from boards whose creators have time to sit and spell it out. That's not me. I mean, it's a good month when I get to share a moment or two with you all on Liz's Chatter. Plus, I like the creativity a lack of information induces. Really, I don't mind reading directions, but I'm more of a skimm... We can connect on social media too. Facebook: #lizchatter Instagram: LizChatter Twitter: @liztegart