What if the preoccupation that one has with the idea or the feeling that they're being judged is a direct result of their own spirit crying out, groaning and longing to once again walk in the Light? What if the great lengths to which one goes in their endeavors to force their spirit into an existence that embraces transgression and chooses in favor of that which has set itself against God, is the soil that nourishes the root system from which these feelings grow? The one who is spiritually dead will have not these feelings; that which is not alive cannot feel. So then, one who has never been quickened or made spiritually alive in Christ may live in transgression and appear blissfully unaware of the spiritual harm they're experiencing. This bliss-filled, sinful life will never be the case for those of us who have experienced a trusting, loving relationship with God through Christ Jesus. We have been made alive, therefore we feel. Willful sin then might be comparabl...
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