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Did you know that there is great value in messy processes?

If you like to bake as much as we do, you'll know that ingredients coming together for a useful end product is often a messy process. Have you ever baked with someone who is inexperienced in the kitchen? Most parents/teachers have and we do it, not because it's easy, but because we know that experience only comes one way... by getting your hands on it, by doing it. We believe that our children need and deserve the opportunity to gain the experience so we walk them through the process. We want our little ones (children/students) to learn so we watch, instruct, and utter some fairly odd grunts (signaling approval or caution) as they go through the steps that are needed.
We know that messes will happen as they learn... and not just with baking.
Some processes are messier than others depending on what is being accomplished, and how much experience or wisdom is available for the person(s) involved.
The good news for us is that God isn't put off by messy processes in life, He's far more interested in the end result.
“How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are!” 1 John 3:1
"The Lord is like a father to his children, tender and compassionate to those who fear him. For he knows how weak we are." Psalm 103:13-14

#healthyheart #soulwise #faithfamilyfriends #lizchatter


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