Enough said.
Have you ever been in the Word when suddenly it felt as if a chill from another dimension crept into your bones? I've experienced this a few times as the realization that I have fallen short of the mark settles in. It's not pleasant, yet not altogether unpleasant for behind this experience is the direction of Yahweh to correct my course and work in my spirit. Just this morning it happened again as the Lord showed me that I have a pattern of loving at varying degrees based on my perception of whether or not it was safe to "love deeply" in this temporal state of being.
As I sat quietly this morning before the Lord, willing for Him to continue His work in my heart, He revealed in my current mindset I was leaning on my own strength (in handling not being loved well) and my own understanding (of how depleting it is to love with no love returned). A new wave of conviction hit my soul, for these are both areas that I long to be fully surrendered and healed in.
After repentance and a return to the Lord in this area, I could feel the touch of His hand within my spirit and a certain strength came upon me. A fresh wind of the Spirit to love deeply in wisdom and in the spirit was deposited from Heaven into my being.
I'm so grateful for His unfailing love and kindness toward me.
I am so grateful.