These three little words are HUGE . "T rust without borders" is such a challenging statement, at least for me. It seems from the earliest memories in my experiences of interaction with 99.99% of humanity I've believed that borders are super necessary and trust is dangerous. Trying to trace that issue backward, it seems that there are a number of things that this could be attributed to: 1. Early childhood molestation by a family friend. 2. Controlling, angry authority figures. 3. Blah, blah, blah Like, everyone has a story. Right? Our stories include loss, betrayal, fear, and pain. The specifics may change but the trespasses are much the same. Our stories are similar, so perhaps our need to increase in areas of trust is also similar. Or is this just is a major area of growth needed in my life? No, I think not. I believe this easily applies to you as well. There are three things... We can connect on social media too. Facebook: #lizchatter Instagram: LizChatter Twitter: @liztegart