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Calling vs. Comfort

Calling vs. Comfort

When I think about comfort, I can't help but think about things/people/places that are familiar to me. In my comfort zone, I know what/who/where is in my future. 

I guess knowing is something that represents "comfort" for me. 

In my comfort zone, I don't have to worry about being without, left out, judged, or etc. In my comfort zone, I have a sense of control, a sense of knowing. Knowing is the ultimate place of comfort for me.  

As I unpack the idea of comfort zones, I realize that there too are comfort zones within my spiritual life. In living life with God as my One Thing. 

In my life, being comfortable looks like:
  • Safety - knowing that there are plentiful resources to keep commitments
  • Belonging - knowing that there is space for me in ministry
  • Respect - knowing that the people will hear me and receive from me 
So this list above isn't necessarily bad, right? Right. Are these things a hindrance? No. In and of themselves they are not. These things do become a hindrance though when they become my deciding factor; when they place as a higher priority than obedience to God. Without a doubt, honoring the call will take us each out of a place of comfort at some time or another. We must be more interested in obedience than comfort. 

It is my desire to follow Him without hesitation even when it's uncomfortable, even when it's unsafe and even when no one is cheering me on!

Is there a place of spiritual maturity that we can grow to where our personal comfort loses its significance? I really believe that this is possible. Furthermore, I want to get to that level of maturity in the Lord. The Apostle Paul talked about being content whether in plenty or in need when he addressed the church in Philippi in Philippians 4:11, and while content and comfortable are not the same this verse speaks to placing a higher priority on obedience to the Lord no matter the cost, than being comfortable. 

If you're in this with me, this goal of maturing spiritually to the place of ignoring the demands of the flesh to be comfortable in favor of following the Lord's direction and living in complete obedience, let's pray this prayer together: 

"Dear Lord, in Jesus' name, thank You that You're continually working on me to bring me into the likeness of Christ. Thank you that Your ways are perfect and that You're completely trustworthy in all that You do. Lord, please forgive my tendency toward putting my comfort as a priority over serving You. It is my desire to crucify this flesh and live in surrender! I know that in ministry, I will at times be uncomfortable, stretched and even rejected. May these things be of no consequence in my spirit and may I be renewed daily in faithfulness to share the Gospel, minister to the Bride and serve the broken. Let my life be in accordance with Your design, Lord. In the name of Christ Jesus, Amen."


Anonymous said…
Great reminder for me today. Thanks for sharing!
Anonymous said…
Ouch! You've been reading my mail girlfriend!!!

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