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Is Knowledge Benefiting You?

Sometimes after a shopping spree, accepting a random dinner invitation, or some other feelings-based decision (like having an extra taco) I think, "I know better than to do that... so why did I do it?" 

I know you've been there too because we've talked about it... well, at least some of us have talked about it. Not everyone is comfortable sharing their experiences of giving in to feelings, and that's okay! 

Today's ministry work seemed to linger in this area of discussion and counsel and one dear heart suggested that I provide a short video to recap the "bottom line" in the work of changed behaviors. The bottom line is really, just engaging (putting into action) the knowledge that we've received. 

Here are some tips:

1. Look your character struggle eyeball to eyeball - stop the denial.
2. Play the movie back, where did your choices stop lining up with your goals.
3. Self Evaluate your choice(s) in light of Godly principles.
4. Replay the movie except insert your changed behavior, what is the outcome like?
5. Ask for accountability from your team/people/mentors. Ask them to expect changed behaviors and give them permission to call you out on decisions that do not line up with your goals!


Deb D. said…
Hi Ms Liz, I am trying to stop making excuses for my poor behaviors. Was thinking back to when you taught the class about us having boundaries with ourself first. I think I am finally starting to see the trouble from not setting a boundary for myself. If you get time to do a post about that, i would surely appreciate it.
Jerry Jones said…
Hi lizchatter, thanks for putting this out It is a real helpful topic for me. I've been thru some junk recently and needed to remember to use the knowledge I've been taught to get right again.
LizChatter said…
Deb D! WOW! Boundaries Class, that sure does bring back memories!! What a good season that was. I am so glad you're gaining insight into the importance of setting boundaries with yourself. That's where the healing really starts to take off. I may do a Boundaries post in the future and if so I'll make sure to tag you in the social media announcement.

Be Blessed dear Deb!!
LizChatter said…
Mr. Jerry, I'm so glad that you stopped by and that this post contributed some help to you. Keep pressing forward, sir!!

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