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This is my story and I'm sticking to it ❤

Honestly, full-on truth; God has proven this to me time and time again. 

❤He's purposed my own experience with various forms of abuse/misuse to reach those who are wounded by abusive authority figures and leadership 
(in friendships, in families, in churches, in marriage and in their career path). 
❤He's purposed my experiences with passive leadership who choose to not interrupt abuse and highlighted to me the importance of speaking up for the weak and down-trodden. 
❤He's purposed my history with self-loathing and used it as an ongoing example of choosing to heal and live in freedom. 

And in all of this, He has taught me grace toward the abusers and misusers in my life, by giving me the sight to see how hurt and wounded they are/have been. The saying goes, "Hurt people, hurt people." So let it also be true, "Healed people, offer healing to people." This whole life, that God has given me, seems to be purposed to show and speak of freedom from the clutches of bondage.

Knowing that God is in control isn't a problem for me. Patience and waiting for His timing to be right is the problem for me. A further battle for me is slowing down enough to feel discomfort/pain and then to intentionally take it to Him. My default is to outrun emotional pain & discomfort by taking on a new project, retail therapy, food, nights out or some other busy making activity that allows me to avoid those uncomfortable feelings. 

Today in quiet-time before God, He reminded me that I can bring my troubles to Him. He said, "I'm not afraid of your pain, and I'm not tired of hearing you ask for My help. There is always a blessing in the lesson. I have been watching from the get-go and I am working this thing out for your good. There is a purpose in this pain. Trust ME." I bawled for a good 5 minutes. 

Do I wish that pain was not necessary for lesson learning? Totally! Since it is though, there's no better place to be than in the Creator's hand. 

Personalize the following paraphrased verses by inserting your name in the blank spaces.

Jeremiah 18:2-6 At the Potter's House; personalized
"Go down to the potter's house, and there I will give you My message." So I went to the potter's house, and I saw him working at the wheel. The pot He was shaping from the clay was marred in his hands; so the potter formed it into another pot, shaping it as seemed best to him. The word of the Lord came to me, He said, "Can I not do with you, _______, as this potter does?" declares the Lord. "Like clay in the hand of the potter, so are you in my hand, _______."


Angie R. said…
Ms Liz!!! Thisss hit home for me 2day! I need 2b reminded - healing is my choice. I've been sit n meh feelins an been want 2 give up. I'm remember ur testimony from ur class at the Women Center, u were always real with us. Thank u again. I got2 pick me up an get movin' ahead again.
LizChatter said…
Angie dahling!! I'm so glad you stopped by! Thank you for remembering my classes, those sessions were really healing for me too. Being able to share my history and healing just brought so much clarity into why I'd been chosen to walk that painful path. I'm so glad to hear that you're motivated to get moving forward again. YOU GO GIRL!!

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