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Showing posts from September, 2020

Process is Beautiful

Can we get real about the carnal effects of hard times? I think we can.  In fact, as we engage in this topic lets allow our mind to compare the carnal-minded response vs the spiritual-minded response to difficulties and suffering. We come to God underdeveloped, weak, immature, and uneducated in matters of eternal things. He invites us and we respond. We meet Him and over time allow Him to develop, strengthen, mature, and inform us. He does this most often through circumstance, and situational processing.  One of the most beautiful examples of process and the value that God assigns to process is found in the life of Christ. Luke 2 is an incredible account of "Process" in this way. Here we see the human growth, the spirit growth, and the plan of salvation processing to the exact point in time when it would become a reality for all of humanity.  The way Jesus made it through the most difficult parts of the process was to pray, "Not my will, but Yours be done." and this...